Proven Concealed Carry Gun Holsters
For over a decade, N8 Tactical, by CrossBreed Holsters, has built a reputation for manufacturing a proven line of high-quality concealed carry holsters that prioritize maximum versatility, concealability, and comfortability. Our diverse range of models all incorporate a combination of premium materials and ergonomic design, ensuring a secure fit and convenient carry throughout the day. Whether you prefer appendix, strong-side, or cross-draw for your carry style, we offer a diverse range of IWB, OWB, and Belly Band options that will suit your needs. As you browse our selection of holsters, feel confident also knowing that each is manufactured, assembled, and shipped from right here in the USA. For more information or questions on our products, please feel free to contact our staff who will be happy to assist you!

Your Lifestyle; Your Holster.
Your Lifestyle, Your Holster. Featuring a specific-to-firearm molded polycarbonate pocket the N8 Tactical Professional series of holsters allows you to confidently carry your weapon securely and comforably allows you to confidently carry your weapon.